Sunday, January 28, 2007

Grepalife mutual funds perform beyond expectations
Last updated 05:32am (Mla time) 12/15/2006

ORIGINALLY launched to better fight inflation, Grepalife-managed mutual funds have performed beyond expectations in 2006, according to Efren Cruz, SVP & General Manager of Grepalife Asset Management Corporation (GAMC).

According to Cruz, the Grepalife Fixed Income Fund (GFIF) and the Grepalife Dollar Bond Fund (GDBF) posted net absolute returns of 9.25 percent and 8.58 percent on a year to date basis up to December 8, 2006. Cruz adds that in terms of ranking among bond mutual funds invested primarily in foreign currency securities, the GFIF and GDBF were ranked number 1 and 3, respectively in terms of investment performance.

Edgardo Franco, treasurer of GAMC says that, “it is important for us to produce positive real returns for our investors; otherwise there would not be any point in investing.” Franco adds that only with such positive real returns can people better afford future obligations like sending children to college or funding one’s retirement.

Cruz says that they are making good progress in getting the public aware that Grepalife mutual funds are logical alternatives to investing for the future, especially in this regime of low interest rates. Cruz says that investing in mutual funds is like investing in a business franchise with time-tested procedures and practices on how to make money. The only difference is that mutual funds come with in-house expert portfolio managers who do nothing but trade and monitor investment funds.

Mutual funds also benefit from liquidity as a mutual fund company stands ready to buy back the investment of a person at any time. Under current regulations, the proceeds from such buying back of investments, called redemptions, must be paid within seven banking days from receipt of the redemption request. As for the Grepalife mutual funds, shareholders don’t have to wait for seven days because redemption proceeds are paid within three banking days after the receipt of the redemption request.

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